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A program to convert a generic data file to GFF format.

SYNOPSIS [–options…] <filename>

File options:
-i --in <filename>                    input file: txt
-o --out <filename>                   output file name
-H --noheader                         input file has no header row
-0 --zero                             file is in 0-based coordinate system

Column indices:
-a --ask                              interactive selection of columns
-c --chr <index>                      chromosome column
-b --begin --start <index>            start coordinate column
-e --end --stop <index>               stop coordinate column
-s --score <index>                    score column
-t --strand <index>                   strand column
-n --name <text | index>              name column or base name text
-d --id <index>                       primary ID column
-g --tags <index,index,...>           zero or more columns for tag attributes
-r --source <text | index>            source column or text
-y --type <text | index>              type column or text

General options:
--unique                              make IDs unique
--sort                                sort output by genomic coordinates
-z --gz                               compress output file
-Z --bgz                              bgzip compress output file
-v --version                          print version and exit
-h --help                             show extended documentation


The command line flags and descriptions:

File options

Column indices

General options


This program will convert a data file into a GFF version 3 formatted text file. Only simple conversions are performed, where each data line is converted to a single feature. Complex features with parent-child relationships (such as genes) should be converted with something more advanced.


Timothy J. Parnell, PhD
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Dept of Oncological Sciences
Huntsman Cancer Institute
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT, 84112

This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0.