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Home Install Libraries Applications Examples FAQ

Included Applications

There are 22 production-quality script applications included in the package. These are listed below, grouped by general function. Also see the application examples page.

Applications have built-in documentation. Execute the script without any options to print a synopsis of available options, or add -h or --help to print the full documentation.

Data conversion

These are applications for converting from one bioinformatic file type to another.

bam2wig will generate coverage or point data representations of alignments from a bam file in virtually every single possible way imaginable. It can generate fixedStep, variableStep, and bedGraph formats in either text or bigWig file formats. Cross-strand correlation shift models may also be determined for single-end alignments. Common scenarios and settings are described in recommended settings.

data2bed is a general purpose application for converting any text file into a standard bed format, assuming that chromosome coordinate information is available.

data2wig is a general purpose application for converting any text file into a wiggle file format. One score column may be chosen, or multiple score columns may be provided and combined using a simple mathematical method. Support for writing directly to bigWig files is included.

data2fasta is a general purpose application for converting any text file into a fasta file. Sequence may either be in the source file, or extracted from a provided genomic fasta file.

data2gff is a general purpose application for converting any text file into a standard GFF3 format. Columns may be specified for attribute tags.

ucsc_table2gff3 will convert a limited set of file table formats for genes from UCSC into more common GFF3 format.

Feature annotation

get_features will collect features from an annotation file or local SeqFeature database. Usually a subset of features based on filtering criteria or provided list will be retrieved. For example, collecting all gene features matching a specific biotype or attribute quality from a genome annotation GFF3 or GTF file. Features may be written out in the original format or converted to other formats. Subfeatures, such as CDS or exon features, are included as appropriate.

get_gene_regions will collect specific gene regions from an annotation file that are not typically annotated but rather inferred. These include, for example, introns, alternate or common exons or introns, first or last exons or introns, untranslated regions (UTRs), etc.

get_feature_info will collect additional information from an annotation file for list of features. Often these may be key=value attributes embedded in a GTF or GFF3 annotation file and difficult to extract otherwise.

Data collection

These are applications for collecting genomic data from datasets, typically scoring annotation features with genomic data provided in bigWig or bam file formats. Due to technical and performance reasons, bigWig files are preferred over bam files, although the latter have limited supported; see the FAQ for details.

get_datasets is a general purpose data collection application for collecting a single numerical value for a list of genomic features. For example, collecting the mean alignment coverage over genes. A variety of input annotation and data formats are supported, as well as methods of collection. A variety of examples and usage settings are provided.

get_binned_data will divide the provided genomic features into bins and collect a single numerical value for each bin. In this manner, a profile of scores across the length of the genomic feature may be generated. An option is available to generate a summary file of the column (bin) means.

get_relative_data will collect genomic data in bins around a fixed reference point of the provided genomic features. For example, coverage around the Transcription Start Site (the 5’ end of a gene) may be collected. An option is available to generate a summary file of the column (bin) means.

correlate_position_data will calculate a correlation between two datasets, e.g. bigWig files of scores, along the length of a genomic feature. This can help to determine whether a distribution of scores along the genomic feature has shifted between the scores. For example, in chromatin biology, whether nucleosomal occupancy has shifted across mapped nucleosomal positions upon transcriptional activation.

Data manipulation

These applications allow one to manipulate collected datasets in tab-delimited text files on the command line, without having to invoke complex awk or sed commands or round-tripping through a GUI spreadsheet application. Keep in mind that files generated by this package often have metadata or comment lines prefixed by a # character, which can stymy or otherwise become lost using other tools.

manipulate_datasets is an interactive, menu-driven application for performing all sorts of column, row, and value manipulations. Single functions may be specified on the command line.

manipulate_wig will perform various numeric transformations on the scores in a text wiggle or bigWig file.

File manipulation

These applications work on columns or rows of one or more tab-delimited text files. Metadata or comment lines (prefixed by a # character) are correctly handled.

merge_datasets will copy the columns from two or more tab-delimited text files into a single file. If row numbers are unequal or are otherwise in a different order, a specified column may be used as a lookup identifier to match rows.

split_data_file will split a tab-delimited text file by rows, either by a specific value in a specified column or by maximum allowable rows per file.

join_data_file will concatenate the rows of multiple tab-delimited text files into a single file.

pull_features will take a list of identifiers in a list file and pull the corresponding rows from a data file and write a new file. This is useful to subset a dataset. An option is available to generate a new summary file (mean of all columns).


These applications are used to work with a local Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store annotation database. See the FAQ for details.

db_setup will assist in setting up a local SQLite database, particularly with UCSC-derived annotation.

db_types will list the available feature types in a local database.

get_intersecting_features will search a local database and identify the intersecting features that overlap the query features or coordinates. Useful for annotating novel genomic intervals of interest.